As lockdown starts easing this week and the migration “back to work” takes place, dog owners may start yearning for the time they had with their pooches whilst they were spending more time at home. 

Equally, our beloved dogs - who got used to having their owners at home or may even have never experienced being by themselves if they were new to the family during lockdown - may find adapting to the absence of family members a struggle and experience separation anxiety 

With the summer months fast upon us, there are new challenges too. For example,  fleas, ticks, hot pavements etc. 

Benefits of Aromatherapy

The emotional and physical benefits of aromatherapy in humans is widely known. They can help manage pain, improve sleep quality. reduce stress, agitation, and anxiety. 

The great news is that they also benefit dogs in similar ways! 

Essential oils are mostly used in the practice of aromatherapy, in which they are inhaled through various methods, to support health and well-being. 

Now picture this, if humans get a benefit from inhaling essential oils, imagine the benefit to dogs? Depending on the breed or type a dog's sense of smell is around 10,000 - 100,000 times better than ours. 


The use of aromatherapy with dogs is time-tested. 

Scientific studies in Germany and France regarding the medical effects of essential oils on animals and humans were quite advanced by the mid-1800s. Due to positive clinical results, the practice of veterinary aromatherapy was not uncommon in these countries by the mid-1900s.

There are various essential oils that can be safely used in dog-friendly products. One of the most well-known essential oils is lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), proven to reduce stress, fear, agitation, shyness and shock in dogs. 

For fleas, ticks etc there are other essential oils such as Cedarwood, Sandalwood  Sweet Orange,  Rose Flower and Citronella oils. 

My Aromatherapy Journey

Growing up my mum always preferred reaching out for natural remedies whenever something was wrong with us.  I fondly recall her brewing chamomile tea if I had an eye infection or peppermint tea if I had tummy upsets.  This practice stayed with me all my life and now as an adult, parent and dog owner I am very much against chemicals, especially when there are perfectly natural solutions for most common ailments both in humans and in dogs. 



Over 20 years ago, I received my diploma in aromatherapy after undertaking a course. Although I never pursued it as a professional career beyond a short stint as a massage therapist when I came to London, essential oils have always been part of my life. 

My own dog Dinky - a miniature poodle - has always been highly strung and quite nervous. So, I started using lavender oil with her it really paid off by calming her nerves. 

That lead me to using a lavender diffuser in my Waggy Wagon grooming salon to alleviate nervousness whilst I was treating my doggy clients. I then decided to apply lavender in some of the Christmas presents for my loyal, regular customers which has been extremely well received. 

For many years now I have been making an essential oil shampoo bar and paw and  nose balm to use in the salon. 

The feedback from my hand made, high quality, dog friendly aromatherapy products has been so overwhelmingly positive that I have decided to make these products to sell. 

I will be sharing more news about the new range soon, stay tuned! 
