It's been a very busy week. Sign writing for Waggy Wagon is finally done. I am really happy with it. Thanks to Gregory Signs for doing a great job, guiding me through the process, helping with the artwork and layout. People see it and smile. I was stuck in a traffic jam this morning and the lady in the car next to me asked me for a business card. It's catching people's attention for sure!
Waggy Wagon with signwriting
Also, my ad and article on grooming just came out in the November issue of the local SE23 Magazine! Thanks to editor, Angela Burgess for giving me this opportunity to introduce myself and my company to the local community. I have had a few bookings from it already, it's all very encouraging.
My poor husband , Bruce has also had his fair share of Waggy duties. My new electric grooming table arrived from Christies Direct and it didn't fit in my van! The H-bar was just too high. So Bruce redesigned the bracket system and had it made&fitted in the space of only one afternoon! He has supported my through the entire start up period, and I admire his enthusiasm, positive outlook and calm personality. Without him I would be so lost!
Then I managed to lock the van keys in the back. I didn't realise that once you close the doors you cannot open them again without a key! There we were with the van parked up, my bag, house keys etc all locked in.
My six year old came to the rescue. Luckily he loves climbing. We put him on the roof and he climbed in through the roof light and saved the day! It's handy to be so small sometimes.
I am absolutely loving being my own boss. And can't believe how lucky I am to be able to work with dogs- I am living my dreams. Bookings are rolling in and life is good.
Here is to many more Waggy customers!